Fall 21’. Click images to enlarge them, works with bold titles will have detail shots upon clicking. Use ‘Contact’ above for inquiries.

“Respite (depths)” Pigment sprayed through handmade nets on bedspread. 7 x 7’

“Impressions” Alcohol marker on thin paper, 3 out of 8 layers. 11 x 15”

“The fish and the net combined unwind” Acrylic and collage on panel. 9 x 12”

“Captive Altar” Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 36” Available for purchase.

“Neither Fish Nor Flesh” Studio installation and video documentation.

Fall ‘21 Studio wall collages

"The moment before impact (heart and mind)” Acrylic on canvas. 72 x 36”

"Mytosis” Acrylic on wallpaper. ~8 x 4’

"Unfurl” Acrylic on wallpaper. ~8 x 1.5’

BELOW: “Songs of Innocence and of Experience” Ink and watercolor on paper, series of 27 paintings. Inspired by William Blake and impactful songs of my childhood and adolescence. Each 11 x 17” Click left and right arrows below.

“Bark language” Plein air gouache on paper. 9 x 12”

“Barn bend” Plein air oil pastel on clayboard. 11 x 15”

“Icarian Infatuation” Earthwork on Rock Island, WI.

“Sugar creek” Plein air oil pastel on clayboard. 11 x 15”

“Six skulls” Gouache on wood paper. 24 x 36”

“Atlas with nothing to carry but all of the weight” Earthwork on Rock Island, WI.

“Writhing Roots 1” Charcoal, ink, pastel, and gesso. 50 x 38”

“A dispute of matter” Charcoal, ink, pastel, and gesso on paper and fabric collage. Each round ~5 x 5’

Spring 21’

“Writhing Roots 2” Charcoal and white charcoal. 50 x 38”

“Intervention” Paper and fabric collage featuring ink, acrylic, and pastel. ~24 x 36”. Video to the right shows the many, many stages this piece went through.

“River Mud Dreamer” Cardboard, sculpamold, river glass, pearls, fabric. ~4 x 4’

“Cryptid of Creation” coiled reed, muslin+fabrics from a recycled project, foam, found objects, sculpamold. ~5 x 3’ Video and projection of video onto the costume below.