install shot

“portal tissue” cheesecloth, paper pulp, mirror, fiber, fabric, acrylic, branches

overall: ~3 x 4 x 1.5’ central portal: 22 x 18 x 9” available for purchase.

“fertile animates” wire mesh, paper pulp, fabric, fiber, acrylic. Central piece: 10 x 10 x 4”, Handheld, available for purchase.

“invisibility cloak” ink, pastel, acrylic. 18 x 24” , available for purchase.

Studio displays. if inquiring about a specific work, include an image in your contact form.

plans for below work. acrylic on paper. 9 x 12”

Fall 2023

Click on photos to enlarge. Works with bold titles will link to detail shots and project writeups. Use the contact form to reach out with inquiries

“Wriggle Sample” Woven yarn, fiber, fabric, wire, beads. 8x8” Available for purchase.

“Bird Sample” Woven yarn, fiber, beads. 8x8” Available for purchase.

“Slab” Wet felted fiber, string. 8 x 6”

“Watching sampler” Twig, handtwisted rope, fiber, burlap. 8 x 16”

“Hide” paper pulp and hand tufted yarn. 30 x 36”

“Beautiful counter-mythologizing grammars of madness”. Paper pulp, cheesecloth nets, wire mesh, wire, macrame, fabrics, tiles, mirror, fiber, fur. Installation compiling many works from the fall. 3 x 5’

“Nest Sample” Yarn, fabric, hair, thread, crystal marbles. 8x8” Available for purchase.

“Flock Sample” Woven yarn, pearls, fiber. 8x8” Available for purchase.

“Twist” Wet felted fiber. 8 x 6”

“Dwellings” Wet felted fiber. 8 x 8” Available for purchase.

“lunar inter-face 1-3”

paper, paper pulp, cardboard, ink, acrylic, oil pastel.

9 x 12 x 1” ,

19 x 21 x 1”,

24 x 24 x 1”

available for purchase.

“snarl cage” paper pulp, wire, on acrylic canvas board. 4 x 6”

plans for below work. acrylic on paper. 9 x 12”

“Our Beloved Rootbeer” Collaboration with Kira Saks.

Cardboard, paper pulp, newspaper, acrylic, gouache, yarn, clay, engraved copper, bog bone, bog crab, lace, ribbon, shells (snail and other) from Barrington Beach, snail shell from Topanga Canyon, The Two-Year Stick, Scottish crab arm, light of the full moon, acorn hats, love and affection, glass, glue, wire, pinecone, dried flowers, felt, precious stones, clear varnish, retribution.

36” x 30” x 3”

“Cloak” paper pulp. 40x20”

“Frankenstein” paper pulp. 14 x 14”

“Feral terrain” paper pulp and hand tufted yarn. 36 x 36”

Dumfries House Artist Residency

August ‘23 - Ayshire, Scotland

“Broody”, acrylic ink on cotton rag paper, 18 x 24” available for purchase.

“Thistle and Bloom (gobble’s great adventure)” gouache and acrylic ink on cotton rag paper 22 x 30”

“Book of (H)ours” Gouache on paper 9 x 12” available for purchase.

“Prayer for tenderness” Gouache on paper 9 x 12” available for purchase.

“Wrightson” Oil pastel on paper 9 x 12” available for purchase.

“Whirligig” oil pastel on pastel board. 18 x 21.5”. Donated to the Dumfries house collection at the end of my stay.

“Visitation” Gouache on paper 18 x 24” available for purchase.

“Lobsterific” Gouache on paper 9 x 12” available for purchase.

DIS/REORIENT - regroup, disjoint, rejoin, distort. Wriggling, malleable drawings who fold and mingle

A K A generating disorienting compositions while reorienting my practice toward spontaneity, exploration, surprise, and excitement.

With emphasis on touch, feel, and activation. These works must be patiently and openly entered.

“three garden guardians”, gouache on paper, each 4 x 6”

“What came first?”, acrylic ink, oil pastel, gesso, and gouache monotype on cotton rag paper, 18 x 24”

“The fuzz of interdependence (inosculation)”, salt acrylic ink and gouache on cotton rag paper, 22 x 30”. available for purchase.

“Topple and Gobble” gouache on bristol 11 x 14” available for purchase.

“Creature Egg” Gouache monotype on paper 9 x 12” available for purchase.

“Artist interview” Oil pastel on vellum 9 x 12” available for purchase.

“What goes around comes around (Ovum)” Gouache acrylic ink, tissue, and magazine collage. ~36 x 36”

“Beggers can’t be choosers (chutes and ladders)” Gouache, oil pastel, paper, and lace collage. ~12 x 16”

“Treasure Map” cyanotype print by Katharen Wiese and found objects by me.

My most sincere thanks to Dumfries House, everyone who helped make the residency possible, and the beautiful artists I met during my stay in Scotland.

“Pin the Tale”

Acrylic, dirt and sand, shell, false pearl, ribbon, crochet, cut hair, candle wax, lake driftwood, and shimmer on stretched fabric. 18x18”

Spring ‘23

click images to enlarge them, works with bold titles will have detail shots upon clicking. Use ‘Contact’ above for inquiries.

“The Grotesque.” In wall form, 60 x 68”

Formed by: Acrylic on canvas, wallpaper, latex, fabric scraps, paperclay symbols, crochet, lace, foam, beads, wood, hinges, aromatic oils

“Beneath the Bog” crochet, found objects, loom weaving, twigs, and roots. ~40 x 14”

“Martha Lives (Have you seen this entity?)”

Plastic mesh, twigs, dirt, hair, paper clay, latex, acrylic, research, and communal effort. ~16 x 4 x 16”

“Whirling Weave”

Acrylic on burlap with woven threads and sewing needles 11 x 8”. Available for purchase.


Acrylic, dirt and stones, string, latex, gel, and wax on canvas. 36 x 11”. Available for purchase.

“Sentimental Sentinel” Acrylic, wax, and oil pastel on silkscreen mesh. 36x36”. Available for purchase.

Winter ‘23

“Find Me at Wayward Bog” , charcoal, gesso, soft pastels. 6 x 3.5'

“The tangles we inherit” , charcoal, gesso, ink, tissue paper. 6 x 3.5'

Various still-life drawings with charcoal from ‘Drawing Marathon’. All at least 6 x 3.5’

Reach out for purchase inquiries, commissions, or contracting!