Fowl Omen

Acrylic ink and gouache on cotton rag paper 22 x 30”

 I was reading about the history of comets- about their depiction in art/myth and also their surprising history of supposedly impacting fowl/eggs. When a comet lights the sky, people inspect their hens for cosmic eggs. Often if an egg is strange looking it’s due to the hen’s stress or health at time of laying, so a bunch of gawking, squawking humans actually may lead to the odd comet egg the prophecy foretells. Comets traditionally bode disaster, or at least great change. The comet that arrived in May of 2020 across night skies was called SWAN. This is not a phoenix, she burns but isn’t reborn. 

Halley’s comet has appeared every nearly 70 years since 240 BC. Nearly every generation views her. For me, it will be in 2061. Decades after the climate collapse if all continues as is. I will be 60. What an insane thought. 

I’m curious about omens, superstitions, and wishes. Things that are inferred from visual/environmental stimulae, Things we project our desires and fears onto. 100 people could see a meteor and come to different conclusions as to what it means. Paintings are also places of recognition and projection. You get out of it what you want to get out of it.